Thursday 1 March 2012

Inspiration the key to Sucsess

We believe that Job Satisfaction and Happiness is a mind set. We believe that reaching targets is a mind set.

What is Job satisfaction
I think most people work for the pay-check not the job these days. They lose sight of what makes them happy and only concentrate on going in every day so that check can come in at the end of the month.
I hear people say “ I don’t work because I want to work, I work because I have to work”
This is partly true … but in the same sense you have a choice and will always have a choice as to what and how you do this.
They lost all sense of satisfaction and gratification that comes from a job well done and completed to the best of their abilities.
The way you feel about your job is also your choice… .

let me explain,

Your attitude plays an important roll, if you have already decided before you even get to work that you are not happy to go to work or are going to have a bad day because of some deadline or task, you will manifest this…. You are asking for it to be so.
If you decide that you are happy to go to work and that nothing will stop you from doing your best no matter what… you will find your day is 10 times better than what you anticipated. The energy you do things in, is addictive not just will you be ok with your job but you will influence others and lift their spirits too. (Even the negative ones)
You can not change the fact that you have to work….but….you can change how you feel about your work. In any situation good or bad something is what you make of it.

Firstly, we enable individual personal development, growth and wellness.
Our self Mastery activities are designed to be insightful, engaging, powerful and trans formative by nature and design.
The Science of Happiness at work are designed to provide a variety of new, powerful, more empowering… perspectives, possibilities, behaviours and mind-sets.
These include:·      
Increased Awareness
Increased behavioural flexibility    
Increased Resilience Confidence 
Reduced “Mental Static” , Reduced “Baggage”   
Positive,Appreciative and Happier Mind-set     
More intentional choices; thinking, action and feelings. ..

We can achieve all this with powerful inspirational talks and interactions or role play
We do laughter Yoga session to lift the spirits and to release stress.
We help your staff to find their true self and to embrace that which they can not change.

Let me help your staff to reach their full potential and bring back the spark that will put your company in a league of its own.

To make a booking  e-mail or phone.

Michelle vd Merwe
Cell 074 149 7434
Fax 086 535 8304
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