Saturday 23 June 2012

Power of the Heart

Relatively few people can have a profound effect on the world around them, not when we have them in our minds, and not when we pray for them, but when we have it in our feelings as if it already exists. We can have a better world.

The square root of 1% of the population is enough to effect change in that population. There are six billion people on the planet. We only need 8,000 for change. This is not something we do, but something we feel/be for our day to day existence.

Our belief re-arranges the world we live in. Belief, with the emotion it engenders, is the language of the conscious computer-Universe. Literally, when we change the way we feel, we are changing and rearranging the stuff of the world around us. As with any computer, if you know the code, you are not limited and can transcend the laws or apparent barriers of time, space and aging.

Traditions have said that our reality is nothing more or less than what we claim in our feelings and emotions. We create in our hearts, our imaginations, the experiences we would like to have, and the mirror reflects this back to us.

Our science is showing that when we have strong feelings, not only are there changes inside our bodies, but also there are changes outside our bodies. The world around us is primarily electrical and magnetic. In our bodies, the largest generator of electrical and magnetic divine matrix is the human heart. It has about 100 times the power of the brain to create an electrical field and over 5,000 times the power of the brain to create a magnetic field. Any standard physics text will tell you that changing either an electrical or magnetic field will change the atoms in that field.

The Language of the Heart is where the power is packed to change our future. In the Bible, when the disciples of Jesus were asking why their prayers were not always working, Jesus explained that when they were praying, they should act as if they had already received it and they will be given whatever they have asked for.

We may consciously believe this, but sometimes the unconscious beliefs aren't in agreement due to family teachings. We must feel the feelings of abundance and nurturing and safety. We must give thanks and gratitude for these things that we want and when we can do that, we can speak with conviction.

Let's think of it in another way. When there is something you choose for your life. Picture it, put yourself in the picture and feel the feelings of already having it. Enjoy your success. Share the happiness, and then let it go. The Universe will work from that "reality" back to the present to create in your life what it is you manifested. This is the Law of Attraction.

Have no doubt. Act on inspiration. This is your life. As Bob Proctor says, it was meant to be phenomenal, and so it is. First, you have to find the phenomenal feelings, the right vibrations, and then you will have it all.

This is also the essence of the Power of NOW!

Love and Light!

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